Emergency lighting is set in place to illuminate designated escape routes for emergency situations in buildings - apartments, public spaces, workplaces etc. - when the mains power fails. The emergency lighting system shall supply adequate lighting levels along escape routes, clearly illuminating directional displays to the nearest designated exit, and illuminating all life safety systems such as fire extinguishers etc.
Guidelines are set by IS:3217:2013:NSAI Standard (last updated 27 December, 2013) which determines the minimum standards to which all emergency lighting installations must adhere to:
- Minimum light level of 1 Lux on all defined escape routes (e.g. Centre line of Corridor)
- Minimum light level of 0.5 Lux on all undefined escape routes (e.g. Open plan area)
- A minimum illuminance level of 5 Lux to the vertical (face of equipment/device) on all fire-fighting equipment, Manual Call Points, Fire Alarm Panels, First Aid Posts and Electrical Distribution Panels. In practice, in order to obtain the required lighting level an emergency fitting is required above locations.
- In areas of high risk the maintained illuminance on the task area plane shall not be less than 15 Lux
Specific locations where emergency lighting must be provided are: